PROJECT from 2018

Project "ALTER"

Aliance for minimizing the risk (ALTER)

Alliance for Minimizing the Risk (ALTER)

The alliance for minimizing the risk of disasters, (ALTER) focuses on creating public-private partnerships to understand and address flood risks that may arise from water and mine dam failures. The activities will emphasize the importance of full cooperation between local communities, NGOs, government ministries, and private sector companies. The project’s duration is 24 months and it is co-financed by the Directorate for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection of the European Union.

Know-how technologies and experience from the EU will be transferred to Armenia. The project will concentrate on three pilot zones where dams and other activities pose a risk to local communities. The regions are Akhtala and Teghut in Lori marz along the Shamlug River, the Vorotan Cascade, and its associated dams in the Syunik Region, and the Kapan and Vodzhi River basins in the Syunik Region.

Partners of the project:

  1. National Observatory of Athens (Coordinator) – Greece
  2. European University of Cyprus – Cyprus
  3. Center for National Security and Defense Research – Bulgaria
  4. American University of Armenia – Armenia
  5. National Platform for Disaster Reduction – Armenia

The Center for National Security and Defense Research at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences leads the fourth work package of the ALTER project. This work package focuses on the transfer of methods, instruments, preparedness and risk management experience. More precisely, the package will concentrate on providing tools and strategies to support decision-making by local authority leaders. These instruments will be personalized to address the specific needs and challenges of Armenia.

National Observatory of Athens
1. National Observatory of Athens (Coordinator) - Greece 2. European University of Cyprus - Cyprus 3. Center for National Security and Defense Research - Bulgaria 4. American University of Armenia - Armenia 5. National Platform for Disaster Reduction - Armenia