Signs of Radicalization - Recognition for Early Prevention

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Signs of Radicalization - Recognition for Early Prevention

We must be aware that radicalization is a complex process. No one becomes a radical suddenly or by birth. There are many factors that contribute to or lead to radicalization. These factors can be at the macro- and micro-social levels, as well as at the individual-personal level. At the macro-social level, factors include globalization, which allows the unrestricted spread of ideologies, seamless movement of people and resources. From this perspective, problems in the integration of minority groups, poverty, and social hopelessness arise. At the micro-social level, categories such as social identification, collective emotions, interactions between individual groups, alienation from the state and society are considered. On an individual level, factors such as personal characteristics, personal experiences, emotions, gender, age, etc., play a role. The role of the internet space should not be overlooked as an important factor through which radical ideas and movements easily spread, and followers are recruited. For example, 90% of French citizens who fought for Daesh were recruited online…

Stefan Hadzhitodorov and Martin Sokolov
Undoubtedly, systematic actions are necessary for the prevention of radicalism and terrorism. It is crucial to train individuals on the ground – police officers, teachers, social and healthcare workers – to recognize early signs of radicalization and to work purposefully, especially with young people. Specialized training and preparation are needed for personnel in the Ministry of Interior, State Agency for National Security (DANS), investigators, prosecutors, and judges, as the thin line between justice and the perception among certain groups that the state is being used to repress them can contribute to the process of radicalization. One of the factors for radicalization is precisely the sense of vulnerability from the state or the feeling among certain individuals or groups that they cannot receive the necessary protection of their rights and legitimate interests from the state.